Remote Interview Tips
In-person interviews are slowly regaining their popularity, however many employers still tend to opt for a remote interview, usually in the first stage of the interview process.
Of course, a remote interview means you’re going to face a few challenges that you wouldn’t necessarily face on an in-person interview.
Here are some key tips to help you in your remote interview:

Test the camera and sound in plenty of time before the meeting.
Ensure you research the company – visit their website and review current projects.
Practice your interview techniques.
When discussing your work experience, Clients will be interested to hear about projects that you have worked on. Select a project that you are particularly proud of; one that you completed within time and budget, or one that you overcame problems.
Have answers ready for questions relating to Competency & Functional competencies.
Review Your Surroundings
If you don’t already have a home office, find a calm and quiet area where you won’t be disturbed.
Ensure your background is tidy and unfussy.
Showing you have a dedicated area in your home will create the impression that you’re serious about the job.
Focus on the camera
Make Eye Contact.
Although you are not face to face with your interviewer, it is important to maintain eye contact throughout the duration of the interview.
Obviously, it is very easy to get distracted, especially at home, however, do try to avoid this temptation as you will need 100% attention to the questions being asked.
Lastly, smile and relax!
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